Sunday, November 18, 2018


Interview/test anxiety

I get interview/test anxiety. So I've listed all of the stupid reasons I've failed in interviews so the techies can laugh at me :) I almost always knew the answers quite well, but I just blank out and panic sometimes. Also, my interview to offer ratio is quite high (I reckon around 3:1). So don't worry kiddies if you get your ego smashed because you screwed up something fundamental. It happens to others also.

1990s - Irrational Games:
Q: Do you smoke?
A: Yeah, oh crap, you mean, Cigarettes?

1990s - Anon
Q: How is Pi derived
A: <WRONG ANSWER>!!! <-- haha, Goose.
Note: a physicist once complained in front of me about the standards being so low that I could do a unit in his department. This was after another similar mistake. He was right, standards were low that year. haha.

2001 - Micro-control Company
Q: Simple C question
Q: Frankly, we think you've faked your CV, did you?
A: F... Y.. C...

C#/ASP.Net Related 2002-2008

- forgot how threads work
- forgot how TCP/IP worked
- forgot basics of object oriented design
- forgot page life cycle
- forgot how JOINs (left/right/inner/outer) worked
- forgot how to write hello world in C#
- forgot how master pages work
- forgot how events worked in
- forgotten the basic syntax for C/C#/C++

2010 - Channel 9:
Q: ???
A: Yeah, I'm really glad I'm not going bald... INTERVIEWER WAS BALD!

2012 Google - (after 3 grueling fucking tech interviews)
Q: Really simple questions about adding/multiplying powers
A: <WRONG>... haha cool, try again, <WRONG> - FOR AN HOUR! I just shut down after 5 mins and wrote random shit on the board

Q: Simple, fundamental threading question
A: Exactly wrong in every way.

...and the biggie:

2000 - Ericsson
Q: Is there a future for the web on phones?
A: NO!!!!!! <----- Ruminate on the absolute wrongness of this - almost Zen like isn't it."

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