Sunday, November 18, 2018


We need a new techie recruitment process

We need a new techie recruitment process. I've been guilty of being a whiteboard interviewer. :( The focus should be on whether a dev can build an actual product. Not whether they can solve a problem, in front of new people, on a whiteboard.

The problem with software technical interviews: If you get an easy, fundamental question wrong, then your entire career is judged on that. E.g. That guy didn't even know X, well, that tells you everything about him. It's happened to me many times, and I've done it to others many times... Now I work in recruitment. Now I've got a chance to fix this. If we can crack this one then the rewards are large.

Despite years in the industry, degrees, etc. I still stuff up basic questions in interviews. Today it was a basic threading question. Last time was basic power laws. Both questions, i would answer properly if casually discussing. But I just freeze up in there and say the first thing that comes to mind. Is this a problem for everyone? It doesn't matter if I know or not I DON'T know under test conditions.

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